Tubs of Gold Standard 100% Whey have a gold hologram seal on the black plastic neck band. Platinum series products have a clear neck band with silver hologram. Other powdered products have either black, silver, or clear plastic neck bands without holograms.

The crease on the bottom of U.S. made tubs of protein is a mold mark from plastic thermoforming. It looks the same on every tub and is normal. Tubs produced in the U.K. have a circular indentation without a line running across the bottom. This is normal for European made tubs.

On the bottom or side of protein tubs you’ll find ink jet printing listing a manufacture date, expiration date and batch code. Powdered products have a 2-year shelf life, so the dates should be 2 years apart. On bottles of capsules, tablets and softgels, the dates and batch code are printed on the side in white.